WBP Constable Recruitment 2021: How to Apply Online, Download Admit Card

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021 | How to Apply Online, Online Application  |  Download Admit Card

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021: Breaking news for all the candidates willing to join in West Bengal police. Like Primary Recruitment Board, recently West Bengal Police Recruitment Board also announce big news for the candidates. They announce a new job vacancy for Constable & Lady Constable in West Bengal Police 2021.

NVF, Home Guard personnel, and Civic Volunteers serving in West Bengal Police only are also eligible to apply for this Sarkari job.

Application Forms may be submitted through online or offline modes during the period from 22.01.2021 (00:00 hrs.) to 20.02.2021 (5 PM).
The last date of receipt of the filled-in Application Form through postal services (for off-line applicants) is 20.02.2021 (5 PM). For more details read the full article. Click here for other Sarkari jobs.

New Update for Candidate

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will activate a special window for a period of 15 (fifteen) days commencing from 17.05.2021 till 31.05.2021 to facilitate the applicants (Male only) to indicate their choice of the post(s) and preference among the posts in the Application Form for the post of SI in WBP – 2020 already submitted by them.

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021- Overview:

Exam:Constable &
Lady Constable
Category:Sarkari. Job
Start Date of Application:22 January 2021 (00:00 hrs.)
Last Date of Application :20 February 2021 (5 PM).
Last date for payment of fees through Online23.02.2021
Last date for payment of fees through offline 23.02.2021
Apply Online:Click Here
Downloading Admit:Shall be notified/uploaded on this website

Read More: Calcutta high court Recruitment 2021

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021Details:

Pay scale:

Constables & Lady Constables in West Bengal Police in the Pay Scale of Level-6 in the pay matrix [Rs. 22,700 – Rs.58,500]

Application Fees:

CategoryApplication FeeProcessing FeeTotal Amount
All categories except
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
Tribe (of West Bengal only)
Rs. 150 20 Rs.Rs. 170
Scheduled Caste
(West Bengal only)
NIL20 Rs.Rs. 20
Scheduled Tribe
(West Bengal only)
NIL20 Rs.Rs. 20

Age Limit:

The applicant must not be less than 18 (eighteen) years old and must not be more than 27 (twenty-seven) years old as of 01/01/2021.

The Upper-age limit shall be relaxed for the SC/ST applicants of West Bengal only by 05 (five) years and OBC applicants of West Bengal only by 03 (three) years.

The upper age limit is also relaxable for NVF and Home Guards Personnel (serving in West Bengal Police only) as per existing Government Rules. However, Age relaxation is NOT available to Civic Volunteers.

No. of vacancy of WBP constable recruitment 2021:

Category (Sub-category)ConstableLady Constable
Unreserved (UR)2640423
Unreserved (E.C.)1280205
Scheduled Caste1120179
Scheduled Caste (E.C.)56090
Scheduled Tribe32051
Scheduled Tribe (E.C.)16026
OBC-A (E.C.)24038
OBC-B (E.C.)16026

Educational Qualification:

The applicant must have passed Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.


(i) The applicant must be able to speak, read and write the Bengali language.

However, this provision will not be applicable to the persons who are permanent residents of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts.

(ii) For the applicant of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts, the provisions laid down in the West Bengal Official Language Act, 1961 will be applicable.


(i) Date of Birth as recorded in Madhyamik or equivalent admit card/certificate will only be accepted as valid proof for verification of age.

(ii)All candidate of WBP constable recruitment 2021, belonging to OBC-A or OBC-B category, if shortlisted for interview, has to produce revalidated/renewed or fresh OBC-A / OBC-B certificate issued from the competent authority within 01 (one) year preceding 01.01.2021 during verification of testimonials at the time of

Therefore, the certificates issued before 01.01.2020 needs to be revalidated/renewed by the competent authority. Candidates failing to produce revalidated/renewed OBC-A/OBCB certificate shall not be treated as OBC OBC – A or OBC – B as the case may be.

However, they may be considered as UR if they get equal or higher marks than the marks obtained by the last selected candidates under the UR category provided they meet the age criteria for UR candidates.

Certificate of OBC without mentioning the specific category (OBC-A/OBC-B) will be treated as an ‘Invalid Certificate’.

(iii) In case a candidate from OBC – A/OBC – B category claims relaxation in upper age limit at the time of submission of application but fails to produce the revalidated/renewed OBC – A/OBC – B certificate at the time of his/her interview, his/her candidature shall summarily be rejected.

(iv)The NVF personnel and Home Guards (serving in WBP only), if shortlisted, have to produce relevant documents regarding service rendered by them, in original, in support of their claim for Age Relaxation at the time of verification during the interview.

(v) Applicants already employed in any Government Organization shall produce a No Objection Certificate from the Head of the Office/Disciplinary authority during the interview if shortlisted for the same.

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021Apply Online
WBP Constable Recruitment 2021 (online)Download PDF
WBP Constable Recruitment 2021 (offline)Download PDF
New Notification For ChoiceDownload PDF

Method of Recruitment of WBP Constable 2021:

The posts of Constable/Lady Constable in the West Bengal Police shall be filled up on the basis of qualifying the Preliminary Written Test which will act as screening examination followed by the Physical Measurement Test
(PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET).

Final Written Examination and Interview to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.

A. Preliminary Written Test (Full Marks – 100):

Applicants provisionally considered eligible will have to appear in an MCQ based preliminary written test which is qualifying in nature.

There would be 100 objective type questions having multiple choice (four choices) of answers carrying 01 (one) mark each.

The duration of this test will be 1(one) hour. The question paper will be set in two languages (Bengali & Nepali).


i. General Awareness and General Knowledge: 50 Marks
ii. Elementary Mathematics (Madhyamik standard): 30 Marks
iii. Reasoning: 20 Marks


There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. ¼th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will decide the prescribed scheme and syllabus for the Preliminary Written Test. The qualifying marks in the Preliminary Written Test to appear for the next stage will be fixed by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.

The marks obtained by a candidate in the preliminary written test will not be considered for preparing the final merit list.

C. Physical Measurement Test (PMT):

The physical standards (height and weight) of the candidates as given under 3(e) will be tested by using Electronic Machines of those who qualify in the Preliminary Written Test.

D.Physical Efficiency Test:

Candidates who qualify in PMT will be allowed to take part in PET as furnished below.

PostsEvent for PETTiming
Constable1600 (sixteen hundred) meters run6 (six) minutes 30 (thirty) seconds
Lady Constable800 (eight hundred) meters run4 (four) minutes

Final Written Examination:

All the candidates who qualify in the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) & Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be called to appear in the Final Written Examination to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.

The Final Written Examination will have 85 (eighty five) Multiple Choice (Four choices) Objective Type Questions (MCQs) carrying 01 (one) mark each. The duration of the examination will be 1 (One) hour.

Question paper will be set in two languages (Bengali & Nepali) except questions on English language.

Question of the Final Written Examination shall be from the following subjects:-
A. General Awareness and General Knowledge – 25 Mark
B. English – 25 Marks
C. Elementary Mathematics (Madhyamik standard) – 20 Marks
D. Reasoning and Logical Analysis – 15 Marks.

Note: There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. ¼th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will decide the prescribed scheme and syllabus for the Final Written Examination.

The qualifying marks in the Final Written Examination to appear for the next stage will be fixed by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.

How to Apply Online for WBP Constable Recruitment 2021:

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board extends the facilities of both on-line and off-line submission of applications.

On-line submission: – Applicants will be able to submit applications under this mode using the website wbpolice.gov.in by filling up their information including scanned photograph and signature.

Applicants are advised to follow the procedure properly for applying through on-line mode.

Payment of Application and/or Processing Fees can be made on-line through payment gateway by using Debit Cards/Credit Cards/Net-Banking of any Bank.

Fees can also be paid through different e-wallets and Bharat QR and UPI App. An amount of Rs. 5/- (Rupees five) only will be charged by the agency concerned as “Service Charge” for availing Debit Cards/Credit Cards/Net-Banking/e-wallet/another App facility.

On-line applicants are required to upload a scanned copy of their recent passport size photograph (preferably colored) and full signature in jpg format covering the entire space provided for the same.

The size of the photograph file and the signature file must be between 10 kb – 50 kb and 5 kb – 20 kb respectively. The image dimension for photograph and signature should be 177 px h x 138 px w (4.5 cm height x 3.5 cm width) and 63 px h x 350 px w (1.7 cm height x 9.2 cm width) respectively.

The photograph must be on white background with 75-80% of the photo occupying the applicant’s face.

Applicants are advised not to upload images of other objects in place of photograph and signature. The photograph with face/head covering, sunglass/tinted glasses covering the eyes will not be accepted. Photographs cropped from ‘groupies’ or ‘selfies’ shall also be disallowed during the scrutiny.

On successful submission of the application for the WBP constable recruitment 2021, the applicants shall be provided with a copy of the Application Form with his/her photograph, signature, and unique Application Serial No. by the system.

Candidates are advised to preserve it safely and mention the Application Sl. No. for all future communications, if required, with the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.

Request for change/correction in the Application Form SHALL NOT be entertained under any circumstances after final submission.

The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will not be responsible for any
consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/ deletion in any particular field in application form whatever the reasons may be.

Note : : Each applicant is required to have an individual mobile no and e-mail ID. Sharing of mobile no. between applicants is not permitted. This number needs to remain valid till the entire process of the recruitment is over. The Board does not owe any responsibility for failure in delivery of SMS or e-mail due to change in Mobile Number/e-mail Id. of the applicants or other technical reasons.

Online submission through Sahaj Mitr Kendras :-
• The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board extends facility to submit application through Sahaj Mitr Kendras.

• Applicants may approach any of the Sahaj Mitr Kendras (List provided on the website) with all particulars and a recent passport size photograph. The authorized staff of the Kendra will fill up the on-line application form on the basis of information provided by the applicant.

• They will also scan the photograph and signature of the applicant and upload it.


• The Application and/or Processing Fees have to be paid to Village Level Entrepreneurs of the Sahaj Mitr Kendras.

The Kendra will take service charge (including GST) of Rs. 23/- (Rupees Twenty Three) extra for filling up the form and uploading the same along with scanned copies of the candidate’s photograph and signature and making on-line payment of the Application and Processing Fees received from the applicant.

The applicant must ensure proper uploading of his/her photograph and signature. The Board will not be responsible for any discrepancy in the data uploaded.

In case of any mismatch in respect of photograph and signature or any other detail at any stage of the recruitment process, the candidature SHALL be rejected.

✓ All categories of candidates except Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (of West Bengal only) shall pay Rs. 193 /- only [Application Fees: Rs. 150/- ; Processing Fees : Rs. 20/- plus Service Charge (including GST) : Rs. 23/-] to the authorized staff of the Sahaj Mitra Kendra.

✓ Candidates belonging to the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (of West Bengal only) shall pay Rs. 43/- only (Processing Fees : Rs. 20/- plus Service Charge (including GST) : Rs. 23/-) to the authorized staff of the Sahaj Mitra Kendra.

✓ Candidates are advised NOT TO PAY IN EXCESS of the fees & service charge as mentioned above to the franchisee or the authorized staff of sahaj mitr kendras.

✓ After payment of the fees and service charge, the authorized staff of the kendra will hand over to the applicant the copy of the application form with unique application serial number as acknowledgement  of successful submission of application on-line.

The copy of the application form will also contain all the details furnished by the applicant.

✓ Applicants must keep a copy of the application with them and note down the unique application serial number for all future communications with the board if any.

✓ Candidates may contact the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board through a land line (033-23371402) to report any kind of non-cooperation from any of the Sahaj Mitr Kendras, with details of the concerned Kendra during office hours (10:00 AM to 05:30 PM) from Monday to Friday.

✓ Help line (Toll free) of Sahaj Mitr Kendras -: Applicants may contact the Toll free help line number (18004190250) for locating the nearest Sahaj Mitr Kendras.

Online Application and collection of fees through Punjab National Bank (erstwhile United Bank of India):-

▪ The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board extends the facility of paying Application and/or Processing Fees through the Punjab National Bank (erstwhile United Bank of India). Under this system a deposit challan will be generated bearing the Application Sl. No. during submission of application.

▪ After obtaining the deposit challan, the applicants will proceed to any of the branches of the PNB located pan India along with the challan after 01 (one) Banking Day for payment of the Application and/or Processing Fees.

▪ The branch will accept the payment of fees on production of the deposit challan which will be returned to the applicant with the Bank’s seal as acknowledgement. This deposit challan bearing the Application Sl. No. must be preserved by the applicants for future communication with the Board, if required.

▪ The applicants will have to pay a sum of Rs. 36/- (including GST) to the Branch of PNB against each payment of Rs. 170/- (for all categories of candidates except Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe of West Bengal only), or Rs. 20/- (for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe of West Bengal only).

▪ On payment of Application and/or Processing Fees at the Bank Counter the application will be auto submitted and the applicant will get a system generated SMS confirming successful submission of his/her application form. Applicant must take a printout of his/her Application form by logging into ‘My Account’ page after getting the SMS.

WBP Constable Recruitment 2021– Other Instruction:

i) Defective/incomplete applications /applications with fuzzy photographs of candidates will be summarily rejected.

ii) Each candidate should submit ONE application form only. Candidature of those who submit more than one application form will be rejected summarily and the amount of application and/or processing fees will be forfeited.

iii) In case of any mismatch of data between application form filled up by the applicants and supporting testimonials at any stage of recruitment, the candidature will be summarily rejected.

iv) Application Forms shall be rejected in case the signature of the applicant is uploaded/rendered in block letters/unintelligible/does not match with name of the candidate.

v) Admission to the examination will be purely provisional subject to verification of eligibility at a later stage. Therefore, candidature of any candidate shall be rejected straightway if found not eligible at any stage, even after appearance in the tests /examinations.

vi) Candidates must abide by the instructions as may be given by the Venue-in-Charge/Invigilator of the examination venue. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct, he/she will render himself/herself liable for expulsion from the examination hall and/or such other punishment as the Recruitment Board may deem fit to impose.

vii) SC/ST/OBC-A /OBC-B candidates of OTHER States will be treated as General (Un-reserved) category candidates.

viii) No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for their journey to attend Preliminary Written Test, PMT & PET, Final Written Examination & Interview. They will appear for selection tests at their own expenses. The Recruitment Board will not be held responsible for any harm or injury to
any candidate emerging out of the conduct of the PMT & PET or other tests.

ix) All entries except religion field in the Application Form are compulsory. Application submitted keeping any of the columns blank would lead to summary rejection without any intimation to the applicant.

x) The Board reserves the right to rectify the errors and omissions, if any, in the process of holding the examination and final declaration of result.

xi) A candidate who has been reported against by the Venue-in-Charge of the examination venue for violating any of the instructions or for having adopted unfair means at the arena/venue/examination hall or having used electronic gadgets like Earpiece, Smart Phone, etc. in the examination hall.

Will be punished with cancellation of his/her candidature and also be debarred from appearing at future examinations/selection processes as may be decided by the Recruitment Board depending on the circumstances /gravity of the case or maybe criminally proceeded against.

xii) Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate immediately.

xiii) Candidates are advised not to get lured by any unscrupulous touts. The recruitment process done by the Recruitment Board is absolutely transparent.

xiv) Assessment and evaluation of OMR sheet done by the Board shall be final and shall not be open to scrutiny by any external authority.

xv) A candidate who discloses his/her identity by writing his/her name, roll no. etc. or putting any identifying marks inside the OMR Answer Sheet will be disqualified and his/her candidature will summarily be rejected.

xvi) The decision of the Selection Board on all matters relating to eligibility, place, date, mode of selection, acceptance or rejection of candidature will be final and binding on the candidates.

xvii) Candidates dissatisfied with his/her Physical Measurement Test (PMT) during field test may appeal in writing before the Chairperson, of the Selection Board/Committee on the same day of his/her tests. No appeal in this regard will be entertained in future.

xviii) The height of a candidate may be re-measured at any stage including the Interview at the discretion of the Board and the decision of the Board shall be final and binding on the candidates.

xix) Only shortlisted candidates will be asked to produce all relevant original certificates along with the self attested photocopies for verification, failing which their candidature shall be rejected without any further communication.

xx) The Mobile No. and e-mail ID of the applicants are being taken for communication by the Board for future intimation with regard to the recruitment process and nothing else.

The Board, under no circumstances, will request or advise the applicant for any further personal information and/or additional fees and/or payment of any kind of fee to any official connected and/or not connected with the Board.

Candidates may report such occurrence, if any to the Member, West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, along with due evidence (documentary/electronic).

xxi) In the case of online applicants, no Admit Card will be issued through the Postal Department before the Preliminary Written Test and subsequent stages, if selected for the next stage, candidates have to download the e-Admit Cards from the website.

xxii) In case of any difficulties in downloading the off-line application form or in submitting the online application form, the prospective applicants are advised to communicate either through telephone (Contact No. 7044108689 & 7044109346) during office hours (10 AM to 05:30 PM) from Monday to Friday and 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM on Saturdays (except Govt. Holidays) or through e-mail (wbprbonline@applythrunet.co.in).

Candidates may visit the website of West Bengal Police (www.wbpolice.gov.in) for ascertaining developments of the recruitment process from time to time.

FAQ- Question and Answer:

Q. What are the Jobs in West Bengal Police?

Ans. In this recruitment, there are two posts Constable and Lady Constable.

Q.What is the last date of Online Application?

Ans. The application will start on 22nd January and the last date of application is 20th February.

Q. What is the Eligibility Criteria for West Bengal Police?

Ans. Must be a Citizen of India and age of the applicant must not be less than 18 (eighteen) years old and must not be more than 27 (twenty
seven) years old as of 01/01/2021.

The upper age limit shall be relaxable in case of the candidates belonging to the S.C or the S.T or the O.B.C (Group – A and Group – B) or the physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen as per extant rules of the Government. But Age relaxation is NOT available to Civic Volunteers.

Q. How to apply for West Bengal Police Sub Inspector/Lady Sub Inspector of Police 2021?

Ans. If you are eligible for these jobs, you can apply online or offline mode.

Q. What is the qualification for West Bengal Police?

Ans. The applicant must have passed Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent

Q.How many vacancies are there in West Bengal Police?

Ans. A total of 8632 vacancies have been released, out of which 7440 is for Constable Posts, 1192 for Lady Constable Posts.

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